What Exactly Is a Custom Home & Why Should I Hire an Architect to Design One?

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live in a home that was built just for you? Maybe you’ve always wanted a huge kitchen, perfect for entertaining—or maybe you can’t stop thinking about an enormous master bath, complete with soaking tub and heated flooring. Perhaps it’s the outside of your house that gets you the most excited.

Generally speaking, this is what a custom home is—a brand new house that’s built and designed to your unique specifications. Sounds pretty amazing right? To get there, you’ll want to work with an architect, like Springhouse.

Springhouse is a team of architects who can design, build or simply guide you to a home that you love. We practice locally in Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus, with the ability to collaborate nationally. With 25 years of residential architecture experience and a trusted, detail-oriented team, we’re determined to create a seamless home-building process that relieves your fears, fulfills your vision & provides a sanctuary to love for years to come. The end result? A lovely, unique home for your entire family.

However, no matter who you choose as your architect, you’ll want to rely on one who will help fulfill the following tasks:

  • Meeting with the client to understand their needs, preferences, and budget for the project.

  • Developing initial design concepts and presenting them to the client for feedback and approval.

  • Refining the design based on the client's input and any necessary changes to meet building codes and regulations.

  • Creating detailed construction drawings and specifications that outline the materials, finishes, and other details of the home.

  • Coordinating with other professionals such as engineers, contractors, and subcontractors as needed to ensure that the project is completed according to the design plans.

  • Providing ongoing support and guidance during the construction process to ensure that the home is built as intended.

  • In addition to these tasks, an architect may also be responsible for managing the project budget and schedule, obtaining necessary permits and approvals, and ensuring that the construction process meets all relevant regulations and standards.

Of course, it’s not always possible to get everything you ever wanted in your custom home. We get it, though! Every single day, we’re bombarded with beautiful images of homes on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram—and once you latch onto one, it’s hard to let it go. That’s where a stellar architect steps in.

Starting with an architect can help you save time and money in the long run. They can help you avoid costly mistakes or design errors that could result in delays or additional expenses during the construction process. Overall, working with an architect is an investment that can help ensure that your custom home project is a success.

If you need to work within a certain budget, we’ll work together to identify what you specifically like about the house inspiration you see. Once we get down to the nitty-gritty, our team will determine how we can still design a beautiful custom house for you without breaking the bank. For example, we may discover that you love simple materials, like concrete, stone and glass. This doesn’t mean we need to replicate the entire home to make this happen—we just needed to pull pieces from it, instead.

Ultimately, a good architect makes sure to listen to your wants and needs, taking what you can afford into account. Because whatever your life goals are, you need to be comfortable with your budget. That being said, bring your dreams and your inspiration with you! Don't discount aspects of the home just because they're out of your price range. We can use this inspiration to understand what you truly love, and then deliver.

Introducing Create A Home You Love

This online course is a one-of-a-kind experience that teaches you everything there is to know about custom homes—before getting started.

Together, we’ll determine your real long-term goals and internal motivators that drive your steps to build a house. Plus, you’ll learn how to set priorities early, establish a budget (and stick to it!), find the perfect location, and choose your team of professionals. By the end of this course, you’ll feel confident, organized, and equipped with everything you need to turn your vision into a reality. Learn more!

Start the process.

When it comes to designing and building a custom home, nothing beats having a trusted, experienced team of architects on your side. Let’s set up a call to meet, discuss your goals, answer your questions, and settle your fears. We can’t wait to meet you!

Sheri Scott